i'm broken...

"...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." ~ Phil 1:6

I saw this on the rev well fb page and it just spoke to me 
...like a whisper in my ear from God Himself.

i'm broken.
physically, mentally, spiritually.
(aren't we all?)

this body is frail. this body is failing me. 
this body is the only body i'll have in this broken world.
but this body is not my forever body.

one day, all things will be made new...
even this body. 

one day, i won't have to worry about sprains or strains 
or curves in my spine.

one day...

but today is not that day. 
today i am feeling the pain of this frail body.

i wish i could go to sleep tonight and know that when i wake up tomorrow 
everything will be back to 'normal.'
i wish i knew that tomorrow or the next day, i'd be able to run again.
but i don't.
and it's driving me crazy! 

it's only been a week, but it feels like a month!
a week without physical activity. 
a week of moving slowly and purposefully so as not to cause any more pain.
a week of falling off my plan to achieve goals that i set for myself months ago.
a week of being weak.

i don't know the 'whys' or the 'whens' or the 'what-ifs'
maybe i'm not supposed to know right now. 
perhaps when i look back at this time, i'll see the bigger picture. 
maybe not. 

i do know one thing...
my God knows. and i have to trust that He knows best.
He's not done with me yet. this is my life interrupted,
that's all.

He has so much more in store for me. 
His plans are greater than my plans.
He is doing things in my life i've yet to see!
immeasurably more than i could ever imagine!

all i need to do is trust in Him and wait it out. 
wait out the pain...until the healing is complete.


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