another post on friendship...

sometimes it seems like our success in life is measured by how many friends we many 'friends' do you have on fb? how many old high school friends do you still keep in touch with? how many friends do you have at church? how many of these people are actually friends?

when i was in high school, i could count all of my friends on one hand. yep. but i don't even keep in touch with them anymore. i think we go through phases in our ebb and flow if you will...of friendships and relationships.

i think God leads us where we need to be and puts certain people in our path for a reason and a season.
they may stay with us for a few years or forever. but i think you all know who your real friends are, right?

this article is a fun and quick read on Friendship :)


  1. I know we have some friends for seasons, but it is so discouraging when the season ends and you have no idea why. I'm left wondering what I did wrong or if it was even me who did something wrong. It also seems that my friendships pass away at the same time and I'm left with no real friends. I can count on my on-line friends more than my IRL friends. Not that I don't love, care for and appreciate my on-line friends (because I do), but it's sad to me to know that I don't have any true friends IRL (acquaintances-yes, friends-no).

    1. I know what you mean, i can certainly empathize with you. i think we just need to focus on Christ and He will provide the friends we need to get through this life. but we are also human and grieve losses and have all kinds of emotions to sift through before we can come to that place of peace. does it get easier with each passing friend? probably not. it's just something we go through in this broken world. hugs Darcy!

  2. The best advice I ever got on friendship: "to have a friend you have to be a friend." The more people you are a friend to, the more you will find those who will be a friend to you. Not everyone will reciprocate and that’s ok. But by loving everyone that comes across your path you will learn who loves you enough to be a friend and who just wants to use you. Remember - Jesus was used and abused. He had few real friends. Even his three closest companions couldn't be counted on to stay awake and pray for Him in the garden - his deepest moment of need. He is the only friend we can truly rely on 100% of the time. Everyone else needs a measure of grace and an equal measure of discernment. My definition of being a friend is loving someone and that means serving them in some way which also means self-sacrifice. Jesus came to serve. He washed his friends feet. We should be doing the same. Think: golden rule. And then look to Jesus when 99% of people DO NOT do unto you. However...patience is a virtue and eventually I believe we reap what we sow in friendship. And to everything there is a season :)

    1. This is so true Liz. you are wise beyond your years! love you!

    2. Aw! Thanks Mare! Love you too!


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