Easter...not just bunnies and eggs!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 "

What did Easter look like for you as a child? Do you remember getting a new outfit for church? Going on an Easter egg hunt? A basket full of chocolate bunnies and jelly beans? Did you know the true meaning of Easter?

I remember that Easter was not much more than a twice-a-year visit to our Catholic Church, dressing up in our Easter finest, then having a huge ham dinner with all the family (that was the best part!). I remember the baskets full of candy and a little stuffed bunny or chick...maybe even a new pair of slippers...

But what I don't remember, is my family actually celebrating the resurrection of Christ. 

My salvation began on September 7, 2000. I had just turned 36 years old. Sure I heard all the stories of Easter, and what Jesus did for us, but I never felt it before that precious year that I accepted Jesus into my heart. 

From then on, Easter has been such a joyous, emotional, heart-felt CELEBRATION for me! To know that the Resurrection is not just a fairy tale story in a book...it's TRUTH and LIFE! It's the foundation of my faith. Without my belief in the Resurrection, my faith is futile. 

That's what I want to instill in my three beautiful boys...not the eggs and the bunnies...or the new outfits or even the big ham dinners...

I want them to feel the awesome power of Resurrection Day! To celebrate the Risen Christ as if their lives depended on it! Because it does...

To learn more about Easter and what Christ has done for us, read John 20-21There is also a great article written by Carla Foote, Leadership Media Editor for MOPS International, here.

For some fun ideas on how to share this awesome news with your children and families, check these links out: 

then go into the world and share the Good news! that CHRIST IS RISEN!


  1. Easter was very special to me when I was a practicing Catholic. Now I feel a little offended by the secularization of it. When did it become a gift giving occasion? I am not sure if I am under-sentimental or what. Anyway, it is a very conflicting weekend for me.

    1. i used to be conflicted over Easter. But since i have come to know Jesus, it has more meaning to me and my family.

  2. I grew up with both the Christian aspect and the secularized aspect; however, we are doing things differently with our children. I do make them a new dress every year, but we don't do the Easter bunny and didn't do Easter baskets last year. I found a site with information on things to put in an Easter basket with a scripture reference for each item so I might do that this year, but still haven't decided. I would like to give up the egg hunt, but my husband isn't there yet so we still do that. I also found a site that tells you how to make your own resurrection eggs so we might do that this year as well.

    1. hey Darcy! could you share the info on the Easter basket/scripture site? thanks!


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