
there are a few things weighing on my mind...i thought if i blogged about them, i might be able to clear my head. (these are in no particular order or priority)

1) five years in a state of chaos is way too long!  i'm talking about my house and the many projects/renovations we have been doing.  i just want it to end already.

2) my youngest will be screened for kindegarten soon...wow! i have so many mixed emotions about that one.

3) the first anniversary of my mom's death is coming up on June 2nd.  my sister wants us to walk in the kidney foundations' walk on June 6th.  i don't know if i can get the boys up and at 'em to get to Albany by 9am...Hank's working that day. 

4) i'm struggling with losing weight.  it's a battle i don't want to fight for the rest of my life.  seriously! 

5) my sister Joanne accepted Christ into her heart recently!  PTL! i just pray that she develops a thirst for His Word and has the courage to seek and follow Him, while at the same time, i am a bit shakey in my own Christian walk.

6) my nephew's girlfriend is pregnant, and they want to give the baby up for adoption.  this baby is due in september.  Hank and i would love to adopt that little boy (yes, it's a boy).  but is it God's will?  will my nephew and his girlfriend want to raise the baby afterall?  will they give that baby to a stranger to raise?  it is just pulling at my heart! 
i pray that God gives me the wisdom to know what to do.  if it's God's will, let Him open doors for us to adopt this baby.  if it's not, let Him make it clear in a way we could not question that it is His will.

there's a lot to think about...


  1. I'm praying for you, Mare! May God grant you wisdom and guidance. I understand struggling with weight and being shaky in your walk with Christ. If you need to talk through some things, send me an email!

  2. Wow that is a lot! You know how I am w/projects, so I completely understand! I remember not being able to see the light!:) Seeing it only makes me want it sooner...so I don't think it's any better:) hehe
    Prayers for you on everything else! I've got a plan: Get the baby--put him in a carrier and pick up a hammer! You'll loose weight, finish the house and have a few more years till the last goes to school! lol
    I think it works:)

  3. that's a great plan Katie...we'll see what God has to say about that! LOL

  4. Oh wow! You've got a lot on your plate at the moment! I'll be praying for all of these!

  5. That IS a lot of weight on your shoulders. Praying that it's soon lifted!


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